First, understand that the main purpose of nutritional cleansing is not necessarily weight loss. Nutritional cleansing assists the body to eliminate toxins that accumulate. An effect of the elimination of toxins is the loss of fat, hence, the loss of weight.
Some rapid weight loss diets involve a very low calorie diet which can be harmful to your body. For example, certain tissues need carbohydrates in the form of blood sugar or glucose for fuel. If carbohydrates are not available from your diet, your body tries to get the blood sugar by breaking down proteins. This causes a loss of muscle which is protein tissue, your lean body mass. The amount of lean tissue affects your metabolism and losing muscle lowers your metabolism. With low-calorie rapid weight loss diets, regaining weight is almost certain which has detrimental physical and psychological effects. For more details on the harmful effects of a low calorie rapid weight loss diet, see this page.
Nutritional cleansing, on the other hand, does not deprive your body of the nutrients it needs. Rather, nutritional cleansing provides important nutrients your body needs to function. The Isagenix system of cleansing provides nutrients that support your body's natural systems to help improve metabolism. Included among the many nutrients are trace minerals, protein, and low glycemic index fructose. Nutritional cleansing, when combined with a nutrient-dense, reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, can help you arrive at a healthy weight in a healthy manner. For some people, the loss of weight is faster than others.